Companies with environmental certifications have better resilience”

In economics, resilience is the ability of a company to overcome a difficult period. Independent studies have found that companies or organizations in possession of an environmental certification (Uni En Iso 14001 )or EMAS Regulation) acquire, thanks to this, greater resilience. The ability to adapt to changes, for example, was vital during the Covid 19 pandemic, allowing companies and organizations to maintain the same operational processes while operating in a condition of crisis and exposure to an active threat. The possession of these process and / or product certifications, especially in recent years, has made it possible to strengthen what is called “innovative tension” of companies: a “tension” at the basis of sustainable growth and the green economy and capable of improve both company financial statements and relations with the main stakeholders.

It is now clear that the possession of an environmental certification, for example, has allowed companies in the automation, clothing, home furnishings and food sectors, during the previous crisis period 2009/2013, an average increase in turnover equal to 3.5% compared to an average increase of 2% for non-certified ones.

Furthermore, the same have seen a 4% increase in the employees involved in the production processes compared to 0.2% of the others, also allowing them to significantly increase the share of turnover referred to exports (approximately 86% compared to 57% for those not certified).

An advantage, therefore, on all fronts. Furthermore, it also emerged that these positive factors have affected companies of all sizes, albeit with a marked prevalence for smaller ones (with less than 50 employees) which have obtained greater advantages related to the possession of an environmental certification.

Obtaining an environmental certification is not complicated, just contact companies such as UESE ITALIA S.p.A., a leading company in the sector, which accompanies organizations step by step up to the final certification.